2010 Jutta RombergJutta Romberg - Stadthaus Mailand
Skyscrapers take an important part in the city of Milan. They are em¬phazising the center`s skyline as to be viewed from the roof of the ca¬thedral. As example Torre Velasca is rising above its sourroundings just south of the centre, while Pirelli Tower and Galfa Tower form the view in the north. In all directions accents to the grown structure can be found. Skyscrapers are forming important climaxes within the city plot. This is the way for milan to move forward.

The site is clearly facing to the narrow, highly frequented Via Torino. At this point the building jumps back, widerning the road and forming a square, defined by itself. By forming public city space the visitor gets drawn on to the second square and reaches Piazza San Alessandro at the back. It is a transfer form big to small, from loud to quiet and fast to slow.

The tower`s form is developed from its urban sourroundings. While being influenced at the base by neighbouring situations its shape to¬wards tip is adjusted to the whole of the city. Therefore it is developed through Milan`s Macrocosm and its immediate microcosm. Formed slim, high and clean on one hand it fits in Milan`s silhouette via mass and character.

The highrise was designed from the inside of the redential units as well. Those are based on italian and especially milan floor plans, which pick up people`s movement to generate residences.

The tower is an integrated component of the city, not a rival to its envi¬ronment, looking beyond the nose of Milan.

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