2011 Marie GarsouxMarie Garsoux - Liège, Projet Bavière – Infrastructure sportive
A sports center for Bavière square…

Located in Liège, Bavière square is actually a large empty space. One of its sides is followed by the Meuse, and the other one by the boulevard of the Constitution, main road towards the city center.

The project results from a more global reflection: stimulating Bavière square by integration of public services (musical center, center of the design, wellness center, sports center). This reflection led to a master plan positioning the functions along the boulevard, consequently became pedestrian.

The sports center becomes integrated into the master plan in a strategic way: it allows to create an outcome for the boulevard and a link towards the water which are both essential elements. This position is strengthened by the programmatic intentions. Indeed, the activities in the bosom of a sports center are practised in a more introvert way without hiding. Thus, the idea of burying the project results from the convergence of global and programmatic intentions. However, some volumetric elements announce the presence of a subterranean activity. During the descent towards the water, passers-by can perceive gradually diverse sports. Below, a square, serving as an entry for the sports centre and as a direct connection towards quays, is created.

Inside, the project articulates around an axis on which are transplanted the main rooms, as well as a nucleus of smaller rooms. Players and the spectators can access the main rooms in a direct way, from the entry or by following the central corridor. Players reach the smallest rooms in passing at first by the changing rooms in order to get fit. Then, they meet in a central home which serves as a place of gathering.

The inner atmosphere would be as a subterranean space which is pierced of bright openings.

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