2010 Hakan AkyolHakan Akyol - Stadtmauer Köln
The medieval town wall of Cologne, constructed in 1180, was known as the biggest fortification northwards the alps for 600 years.

The complex consisted of a parapet, a ditch, a wall and the 2.3 kilometer ´Rheinfront`. Furthermore of a 4.6 kilometer semicircular continuous wall, which includes the city center, 50 towers, 12 gates and 22 wickets.

In consequence of the industrialisation the town wall was mostly demolished in 1881.There are only a few gates remaining – the nothern `Eigelsteintorburg´, the western `Hahnentorburg´, the southern `Severinstorburg´, the `Ulrepforte´ and the small continuous wall at the `Sachsenring´, which was the fundament of this project.

The exercise was to compose the new construction, which should dock onto the remaining segment of the medieval town wall. It was required to remain the structure, form and face of the town wall, whose main construction exists of arches and piers and keeps the dimension between axes at 7.9m.Ten axes result one segment with a semi-tower, whose diameter fits into the system of units.

The describen modularization creates the base for the following draft. Nine axes compose one of the segments of the new construction at whose end the tenth architectural accent follows – a tower, which differs from the housing segment in transparency. The towers in which offices and ateliers are placed, are completely closed. The only exception is that the massive tower building is seperated by a 2m wide split, which is the base of another grid that fits to the arrangement of the piers. The width of each pier manners 2m. They compose a grid in the housing segment, in which the staircases are integrated.

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