2010 Patrick LingenbergPatrick Lingenberg - KEIMZELLE
The scenario of a natural disaster in a particular climatic region is the basis of this project.
A „germ-cell“ (KEIMZELLE) is to be developed, which enables the victims to cope with a quick „restart“ on their own land. (...)

The project is located in Peru’s rural areas, a developing-country characterized by poverty and unemployment, repeatedly affected by devastating earthquakes. Lacking knowledge or financial resources, earthquake-resistant constructions are not widely spread. From a humanitarian viewpoint it is the poorest of the poor, for whom an assisting intervention is mostly needed.

The project focuses on:
? Sustainable assistance to Peru's non-urban population.
? „Helping people to help themselves“.
? Inserting a starting energy.
? Using local resources.
? Victims’ participating in the reconstruction.
? Strengthening social community-structures.

Resulting from the challenge of combining immediate assistance with reconstruction-support, the project „KEIMZELLE“ is not purely material support. It aims at promoting „Help for Self-Help“ in a sustainable way through providing education on earthquake-resistant building.

The integration of the “KEIMZELLE” in systems of established international aid-organizations is indispensable (medical care, water and food supply), complementing these existing structures by immediate reconstruction-support.

The primary-supply („first-aid“) consists of a compact package („emergency-can“) which is reduced to the essentials and is only effective in connection with a central-structure (base camp).
This dual-package (emergency-can and base camp) works like a guided reconstruction-plan. Requiring a strong self-involvement of the affected population their independence is promoted and preserved.
By the efficient use of locally available building materials the measure will be affordable (low cost), and sustainability will be supported by potentially high imitation effects.
Presupposing that knowledge and skills acquired in such an emergency and crisis management are compatible with traditional habits, these will be passed on, inherited and thus integrated into the existing cultural assets.
The crisis as an opportunity...

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